Nicholas Nickleby...

Nicholas and his family have to give up their nice life because his father lost everything before dying. They travel to London to get help, but their uncle Ralph has no desire to help and finds Nicholas a low paying job as an assistant to Wackford Squeers, who runs a school.
One day, Nicholas receives a letter from Ralph’s clerk, Newman Noggs. The letter offers assistance if he ever needs it. Later, Nicholas understands Squeers is taking in unwanted children for a lot of money but then gives them little food and mistreats them. Squeers uses the money for himself. Nicholas becomes friends with a simple boy named Smike. One morning, Smike runs away but he is caught and brought back to the school. Squeers starts to beat him, but Nicholas stops him. Squeers tries to beat Nicholas but he fights back and then decides to leave. Smikes begs to go with him too. Nicholas looks for Noggs’ help. Noggs offers him a position as a French teacher, but that is paid badly. Nicholas takes the name Johnson.
Meanwhile, his sister, Kate and his mother are forced by Ralph to move into a cold poor house Ralph owns in a London slum. He finds her a job in a showroom. Ralph asks Kate to attend a dinner he is offering for some business associates. They make her the subject of an offensive bet and one of them tries to force himself on to her. Ralph insinuates that he will give them no more money if she tells anyone about this.
Nicholas discovers his uncle has returned and confronts him but Ralph blackmails Nicholas into leaving London. Nicholas agrees to leave but promises to return one day. Nicholas and Smike encounter a theatrical manager and decide to join the acting company. Their performances are a success.
Back in London, Kate goes to her uncle for assistance, but he refuses to help her. However Noggs helps her and writes to Nicholas telling him of their problems. Nicholas immediately returns to London. Nicholas meets a rich kind merchant Charles Cheeryble and his twin brother. They hire Nicholas and provide him and his family with a small house in the suburbs. Ralph plans against his nephew and is helped by Squeers in his evil thoughts. They kidnap Smike. Luckily Smike is rescued and sent back to Nicholas.
Nicholas encounters the beautiful young lady Madeline Bray and falls in love. But Madeline must marry the man her father owns money too. Nicholas begs her to cancel the wedding. Although Madeline loves Nicholas she is devoted to her dying father. Unexpectedly Madeline’s father dies, and she no longer has to marry and Nicholas takes her to his house.
Smike has contracted tuberculosis and dies peacefully in Nicholas’s arms. A mysterious man emerges and tells Ralph that Smike was his son and Ralph commits suicide. Squeers is sentences to go to Australia and at the school the boys escape from the building.
Nicholas becomes a partner in the Cheerybles firm and marries Madeline.
Alunos do 10.º B

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